Cattle Farming

ISV services

-Laboratory analysis of grain and forage crops, data analysis;

-Compiling a complete meal with optimization program, guided by the needs of animals in the micro-macro elements, minerals and other necessary materials for all ages are for all product categories;
- ISV has the possibility of using laboratory analysis of the entire daily ration (TMR and crib) controls, evaluates and recommends optimal nutrition;

- ISV in cooperation with the Institute of Animal Husbandry and animal nutrition  offers its partners the practical application of the latest technologies in animal nutrition;
- In terms of basic raw materials, ISV allows usage of high quality protected fats and proteins.



With the help ofkneading technology in a cost effective manner, can produce high quality feed for livestock and poultry. Due to reduced investments, (drying, storage), as well as reducing energy costs (fuel, electricity), increases the profitability of production. Costs of wrought grains are much lower than the cost of dried cereals.



Cattle,which is consuming flattened grains, grows the same way, even faster than those who get dried grains. Numerous studies confirm that dairy cows which consume wrought cereals, give the same amount of milk, as those which eat dried grains. In the case of ruminants full nutritional value of wrought cereals is near dried cereal nutritional value.

Many studiesare showing the fact that changes in dairy cows nutrition, which is reflected from transit of dried grains to consumption of cereal silage with a large percentage of moisture, do not reflect on the yield and content of milk. According to a recent Finnish study realizable, the cows were given the mixture which consists 55% hay, barley% 29, 10% canola seed, 5% sugar molasses and mineral substances. The barley was dried or crushed. Type of grains did not affect the yield of milk. Regardless of diet, repeatedly labored cows gave 30-34 liters of milk per day, and 25 liters were given from first calving cows. However, percentage of milk fat, was higher at cows which were using crushed grain nutrition. According to results of studies into the fermentation in the rumen field, namely in dairy cows that were fed with flattened grains, greater amount of acetic and butyric acids in the rumen fluid is shown.


The actual amount of wrought grains used for feeding, or the amount used for the mixture is larger than the amount of dry cereals, since the content of dry matter of cereals in wrought cereals is lower. Otherwise, flattened grains can be used as dry grains, therefore, flattened grains can completely replace the dry cereal in nutrition. The wrought grains moisture percentage can be adjusted, so it is recommendable on every 12 weeks to determine the dry matter content. In this way, we have insight into the amount of dry matter, which is given to animals. The content of dry matter can be determined by using a microwave oven and scales.



Home animal feeding Cattle feeding Services

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  Otmara Majera br. 20, Subotica

  Tel/fax: +381 24 410 0027




Company ISV Zrt. was founded in 1968. History of the company is closely connected with the history of agriculture in Hungary. Logo with three letters has become an "classic" in the market of livestock concentrate production. Name-an acronym derived from the names of the original companies (Iparszerű Sertéstartó Termelőszövetkezetek Közös vállalkozás - Joint venture cooperative production for industrial pigs).

Also, the acronym for our motto: Innovation, expertise, vision!